flat·u·lence 1) The presence of excessive gas in the digestive tract. 2) Self-importance; pomposity.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Watched alot of shit over the last few weekends...
Check the mini-reviews below:

Goal! (DVDrip) - very enlightening... Fact or fiction, understanding the obstacles footballers have to go thru, makes watching Premiership matches much more meaningful...

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (DVDrip) - Magical, pure fantasy and dare I say it - it's as good or even better than LOTR!!! Centaurs, dwarves, cyclops, trolls, gigantes, phoenixes, gryphons, minotaurs.... it's like a full movie version of Heroes of Might & Magic!!!

Melinda & Melinda (DVD) - Mind boggling rom-com by Mr. Allen... Welcome back, Woody! Can't wait to download the DVDrip of Match Point...

Fun with Dick & Jane (DVDrip) - Too much build-up, too little fun

The Longest Yard (DVD) - As usual, Mr. Sandler delivers. Hilarious stuff!

Waiting (DVDrip) - A vulgar gem of indie-comedy

Fearless aka ??? (DVDrip) - Jet Li's last martial arts movie? Ohh, the irony... The last one is quite possibly one of the finest... ?????!

Extras (TV series by BBC2)(TVrip) - Is this Ricky Gervais' prequel to the Office? Good shit as always...

Arrested Development (TV series - Season 3)(TVrip) - R.I.P. Thanks for the memories...


Anonymous said...

I found out recently there's a soccer version of the longest yard that guy ritchie directed with vinnie jones in the main role. can't be adam sandler funny but might be worth checking out.

I didn't really enjoy Narnia that much as I thought i would have. too much of a children's movie feel to it + the story is ripped-off from the bible too give it a magical fantasy feel like LOTR.

Jo said...

yoz timo,

yeah, vinnie jones longest yard I've watched....pretty good, not as funny but abit more emo...

play Heroes of Might & Magic, then watch Narnia!

Anonymous said...

damn i am mouth-watering over the Woody's stuff... Need to hang out this weekend! Invited Yiqin too
Welcome back to SG, did you buy any Filmfest movie ticks?