flat·u·lence 1) The presence of excessive gas in the digestive tract. 2) Self-importance; pomposity.

Friday, December 15, 2006

USB Toys for all!!

Once upon a time, I had an idea to open shops in our local malls to sell USB toys like these:

my favourite, the usb horny, humping dog

for the boys, usb missile launcher

for the girls, usb cutesy hello kitty, emitting annoying sounds

and lastly, one for the upcoming holidays - frosty the robo-snowman

If kids nowadays can pay $10~$15 on a stoopid "VOODOO" rope doll key-chain, I think I can sell anything, including shit.

The trick?

It's all in the packaging... ;)

1 Comment:

moby sky said...

wah lan eh...i'm sure you could have done a much better job...the dog is damn irritating...the stupid mechanical sound...

the rockets are ok...fun, but don't think it'll last long (in the office at least)...i know that i'd break the freaking missiles if anyone shot them at me...haha.

the other two are just plain creepy lah.

what happened to your usb dicky plan? i'll be your first buyer. haha.