flat·u·lence 1) The presence of excessive gas in the digestive tract. 2) Self-importance; pomposity.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Cambo Mourning

As a little follow-up to previous posting, I learnt something new about the Khmer culture this week...

My sales supervisor's grandma passed away this week. He came to the office to apply leave with his whole head shaven.... his hair was all gone, his eyebrows shaved too...I was shocked when I saw him, in fact, I couldn't even recognise him...

Apparently when a person dies, the spouse & children show mourning by shaving their heads.
Another staff told me that when his mother died, he shaved his head and became a monk for 9 days...

This incident left a very deep impression on me and definitely a new found respect for the Khmer ppl...