flat·u·lence 1) The presence of excessive gas in the digestive tract. 2) Self-importance; pomposity.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

better time life management

Just a random thought.....

We need to make better use of our time....

The world is huge.

Estimated at 6.5 billion ppl, all seperated into different races, cultures, countries etc.

There's so many stuff to see, to do, to experience!

We shouldn't be staying in just 1 place, 1 country and work our butts off till it's retirement and then just bum our life away while waiting for the Reaper to come.....

We should be going to different countries, getting to know ppl, experiencing different cultures, enriching our lives....

Average human lifespan is about 70 to 80 plus years.
We should be spending at least a couple of years in a place then move on, to another different environment...ultimately settling on a place to grow old and die.

Fuck the tourist vacations & tours - those are too commercialised and you only get to see what the country's tourism board wants you to see...best way to do it to entrench yourself into the lives of the locals and learn...

Of course, realistically...it's gonna be hard.
We got our personal commitments, families & friends, we need money to travel, language barriers, our comfort zone etc. But it's not impossible.

The question is "are you brave enough to do it?"

To take the plunge, go against societal norms of a 9to5 job, happy settled family, a 1-dimensional life?

To those brave enuff, I salute you.

For fucking weaklings like myself, we will only dream to live the dream.....

(I just want to have gazillions of stories to tell to my little grandkids...like maybe that time when I saved Fiona Xie by battling legions of flesh-eating zombies with my bare hands while riding on a huge ferocious Naga.... oh wait, I didn't get to do that cos I was too busy working in my dead-end crappy job...fuck)


moby sky said...

well said.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Joe about needing to experience different things and places. But I also feel there's a lot of underappreciated value in new things that you've never experienced before at where your roots are.

In terms of my lack of time management, I focus more on if I'm being of any value to the community (could be work wise) that people would actually miss me when I'm gone. I'd rather be known as a warm human being, great father to my kids, and a mentor-figure to my collegues rather than be known as "timo who's been to many places and seen many things".

Jo said...

well said, timo...whether it's "been to many places & seen & do many things" or a 1 place man, you have to make a difference...

the problem with alot of ppl nowadays is they are just taking things for granted, contented with whatever fate has dealt them and just happily follow their daily routine...lack of ambition...

actually...i'm finding harder to motivate myself these days....haha